
Pastor & Deacons: Servants Working Together is unavailable, but you can change that!

How should a church be organized? What functions do the pastors, deacons, and congregation serve? Who qualifies for the offices of pastors and deacon? How should a church manage its finances? How does a congregation biblically address problems? The authors answer these important questions and many more. As fellow servants in the same church, the authors have collaborated in the writing of this...

If there is a problem with the children, the finances, or the marriage relationship, it is the man’s responsibility to solve that problem. It is because of that responsibility that he is given authority to oversee the home. Similarly, the pastor must accept the responsibility for the work of the ministry when he is given the authority to oversee it. He is given the power to perform a task because, in the end, he is accountable for whether the task is done well, done poorly, or not done at all. If
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